International Relations & Tea

This is the demo site for Bulma Clean Theme

Who am I?

Who am I?

Hello and welcome! My name is César Caldeira and I'm a graduate student in international relations, based in Lisbon, Portugal.

I'm a multidisciplinarian at heart, with interests in a wide range of topics from politics, technology, literature, and games.

I enjoy creating things, be it through writing, games, or sometimes even photography, and it was through this site that I found an outlet to share what I do. Feel free to explore!

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The Blog Post Title

The Blog Post Title

Published: Mar 22, 2023

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to run jekyll serve, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated.